The Magic Of Chocolate For Health

  1. Chocolate contains flavonoids similar to those in green tea and may help decrease blood pressure and defend against the ravages of free radicals in bodies, while boosting immune systems.
  2. Choose dark chocolates with a higher percentage of cocoa content- at least 70%.
  3. Chocolate contains antioxidants which may help prevent cancer and heart disease.
  4. The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat. This good fat like that found in olive oil is thought to raise good cholesterol
  5. Nutrients in chocolate : vitamin A, B1, C, D and E, Calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, and fluorine, .copper and magnesium which are good for the heart
  6. Milk chocolate is higher in calories than dark chocolate.
  7. Good for diet. Drinking a cup of hot chocolate before a meal will decrease appetite.
  8. Believed that chocolate consumption releases a chemical into your body very similar to what is produced when you are in love.
  9. Chocolate contain theobromine, which is a mild relative of caffeine and magnesium. This chemical is found in some tranquilisers. Because coffee also contains caffeine, it both picks you up and calms you down. It is also good for those who suffer from sleeping disorders.
Read : Look Younger With Chocolate

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