Save Your Life From Venereal Disease

Save your life from venereal disease, because many of the venereal diseases is very dangerous and contagious but have the symptom looking like, for that we have to know some the contagions, for example :

  • HIV/AIDS : Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS) is : The contagion because of damage virus of system impenetrability of body, Virus the cause of AIDS is HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Patient die most because other disease which cannot be cured because system impenetrability of his body have lose because virus AIDS
  • Syphilis : Often begins with a sore (sometimes heals on its own), painless. The person can then experience flu-like symptoms. The symptoms will come and heal by themselves but the infection will remain. The body will then experience a slow breakdown of the immune system.
  • Gonorrhea : Caused by bacteria know as Neisseria gonorrhoeae which grows and spreads in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive organs including the cervix, the urethra and the fallopian tubes in women.
  • HSV (Genital herpes) : the main venereal disease symptoms are blisters and sores which can be very painful to a person. There can also be muscle aches, backaches, fever, and a burning or pain when urinating as the urine passes over the sores or blisters.
  • HPV (Genital Warts) : pain of the affected area, a burning sensation, warts in and around the genital area, flesh colored lesions, and in some instances moisture or dampness around the affected area.
  • Yeast Infections : Intense itching sensation, thick cottage cheese like vaginal discharge, pain, burning sensation during sexual intercourse.

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