Healthy Eye Secret

Eye is very vital. If this eyesight annoyed, all our activities surely followed annoyed. Sunshine, dirt and wind, very easy disturb health of eye. Sunshine, dirt and wind, very easy disturb health of eye. Dirt, chemicals or the insect stepping into the eye can cause the eye infection (konjungtivitis) with red symptom and pain. Can also result the cornea infection ( keratitis ) able to leave the hurt secondhand after recovering, flimsy white pock ( nebula) or thick ( macula ).

Therefore, eye protection is very require to with always used the eyeglasses if beyond house or wear the eye-shade in so many activity. Choose the lens photosun or photogrey capable to darken the bold moment light. Use the green lens make the eye we to chill the moment look. Pepper and salt Lens also is good to retina our eye, because neutral chromatic and can filter various flashy light.

Resident in hot or tropical state is easy hit the cataract or pterygeum because influence of hot weather, dirt, wind. Compared to in cool nations or have four seasons.

Position read the very good is sit, because lamplight from the top our head. Bad read at the same time lay down, and else if lighting of insufficient lamp.

Human eye have been provided with the good protection system, be like eyelash, eyebrow, refleks blink, and also the tear have selected chemical formation which very good. In consequence, drip drug needed only at some stage. For example, at patient of dry eye or tear production less because age factor, patient of disparity of glaucoma (the eyeball pressure too high), the allergy or infection. Clean your eye with clean water, if eye entrance of sand, eyelash or dirt. If eye felt pain, consultancy with ophthalmologist very needed.

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